
Jack of All Trades

We've had some crazy weather over the last week. For a few nights, we had lows in the single digits and teens, and the last couple of days, we've had highs near 60. It appears that the insects are confused, too. The warm weather brought them out of dormancy, and they were buzzing around Madelyn's room at my in-laws'. She came downstairs during her naptime one day and told us that something was buzzing around her head. JD went upstairs to remedy the situation, and when he was done , Madelyn said, "Daddy, you're a good daddy. You're really good at killing things."

Last week, we bought a minivan (I'll post a story about that soon.) Unfortunately, we left the lights on one night, so the battery died. Since it is new to us, I couldn't figure out how to pop the hood and therefore, could not charge the battery. Madelyn was upset that our new van was broken, but I was able to convince her JD would be able to fix it when he got home. She said, "Daddy sure is good at fixing things. He can fix things better than you can."

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