
Julia is 11 months old

 Julia is 11 months old today.  She is a fast crawler; she is pulling up and cruising around the furniture. When she isn't thinking about it, she'll let go of whatever she's holding on to and stay balanced for several seconds.  She actually took a tiny step yesterday, but I think that was quite accidental, and she hasn't done it again.  We think she has her first word, more, but it sounds more like mna, mna, ma, ma.  She says it, though, when she sees food that she really wants.  She's quite chatty at times and makes all kinds of noises and sometimes it sounds like she completes a sentence even though we have no idea what she says.

I tried to get a few pictures of her today.  These were the best ones:

 Rain, rain, go away.  I want to go outside to play.


Typical Isabel Photo Shoot

 Mostly uncooperative and completely full of sass: