

This year we have focused on the Advent season as a family. I was inspired by a couple, Jack and Kathy Stockman, who spoke at our MOPS meeting a few weeks ago. They wrote and illustrated a book, The Advent Book, and at the meeting, they discussed various ways to celebrate Advent as a family. Their book is a bit pricey, but it is beautiful and has really added a lot to our Christmas this year. Madelyn has asked to read the book every night since we started, and now has most of the Christmas story memorized. We have also used an Advent wreath this year, and both of the kids get really excited when it's time to blow the candles out at the end of our book readings. And as further proof that the book and wreath have been excellent in focusing their attention on the "reason for the season", Madelyn asked to take the wreath and book to Nana and Granddaddy's. We leave tomorrow to spend a few days with them.

I'm not sure when I'll have a chance to blog again. I'll try to get some pictures and details of Christmas ASAP. Until then, I wish you all a very merry Christmas. If you have time, click on the video below and read the lyrics as you listen to the words of the song. It is a very powerful version of O Come, O Come, Emmanuel.

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