

The holiday season is officially over. It was a whirlwind as always beginning with Thanksgiving at the in-laws', various Christmas parties and other events throughout December, traveling to my parents to celebrate Christmas, and ending at our house as we hosted some of JD's family this past weekend. Am I glad it's over? Kinda. Am I sad it's over? Kinda. Now, I need to undecorate the house and get us all back on schedule. School has started again, so that will help, and JD will be back on a regular work schedule, so that will help, too. I'm happy about school; I'm not so happy about JD being back at work.

Here are a few pictures from our holiday:

Granddaddy getting some Isabel love:

Getting ready to open MORE presents:

Uncle Brian got a kayak:

Pierce got these pajamas from Nana and Granddaddy. He now refuses to take them off and refers to himself as Captain Terrific (Imagination Movers fans, anyone?) in the third person. Example: Captain Terrific needs to go potty!:

It even has a cape:

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