
What a snotty weekend!

UPDATE (2:05 pm, 1/12/10): I took Pierce to the doctor this morning, and he has an ear infection and pneumonia. They actually drew blood from his arm--NOT FUN at all. His white blood cell count was within the normal range, so the doctor wasn't extremely concerned. She is sending a sample of his blood for more in-depth analysis to see what kind of pneumonia he has (viral, bacterial, other (not sure what the term was for this)). He is taking two antibiotics, one that should clear up the ear infection and bacterial pneumonia and one that should clear up the "other" pneumonia type. If it's viral, we'll just have to suck it up until it clears up. They will call later in the week regarding the more extensive work-up. If he has the "other" type, then he will probably need to take two rounds of that antibiotic.

He seemed in very good spirits this morning, and I really could tell a difference after the first round of antibiotics. He also hasn't had a fever all day (no ibuprofen or tylenol since last night.) Yesterday morning, though, he was also in good spirits, so the real test will be his mood after he wakes up from his nap.

UPDATE (5:30 pm): Pierce woke up from his nap with a high fever. I called the nurse, and she said to bring him in to the doctor tomorrow A.M. Rats! Feel so bad for the little guy.

Literally. Copious amounts of the yellowish-green fluid have been flowing out of Pierce's nose since Friday afternoon. He's also had a pretty rough sounding cough. I don't think he's ever been quite this sick. When he was about 8 months old, he had a really bad stomach bug, but with that, there was no fever. Pierce's temperature registered around 104 yesterday afternoon, and I was struggling to hold back to tears. He just looked pitiful. I even placed a call to the "on call" doctor because for most of yesterday Tylenol and Motrin were not making much of a difference. When he had H1N1 a couple of weeks before Thanksgiving, he was not this sick. I'm not sure what this was, but it was nasty.

This morning, the fever is down and he is in much better spirits. Still lots of snot, but I can handle happy snot! Hopefully, we can all get a good night's rest tonight.

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