
My doctor appointment

I went in for my 38 week check up today. According to the doctor, the baby is "quite low" and I'm dilated 2 cm and about 50% effaced. While I know that I could walk around for a month like this, I at least feel like my body is finally making some progress. His comments then included, "I won't be surprised if we see you before next Wed. (my next appointment), but I won't be surprised if we don't, either."

In other news, I was informed that I am number 2 on the waiting list for an induction on the 18th. So, if I don't go into labor on my own before then and two other women deliver before that, then they'll schedule me for that day. Otherwise, they'll just keep backing me up a day and moving me up the list.

I've been avoiding packing a bag for the hospital. It's kinda like the proverbial watched pot never boils. I think I'm afraid that if I prepare, then the baby will never come. Ridiculous? Yes. Am I pregnant? Yes. Therefore, I feel entitled to a little "I feel like this baby is never gonna come out and I don't want to do anything to delay it" mentality.

I'll be sure to keep you posted if anything changes. In the meantime, I'll be anxiously waiting for signs of labor and/or a call for a definite induction appointment.

1 comment:

Jennifer Clark said...

I can't believe you don't have your bag packed! I guess that is also what happens when it is #3. ;)

I had mine packed early and Kira came 5 days early so it can't always be bad luck...