
39 week doctor appointment

Well, I already feel that I am passed my due date since both of the other kids came at exactly 39 weeks. I am now 39 weeks and 1 day. I'm trying to remind myself that this baby girl is still NOT late, but I guess I had prepared myself again for a 39 week pregnancy and now am a bit frustrated. Everything at the doctor was fine. I'm now 3 cm dilated, so "any day" still holds true, and I've moved up to number 1 on the waiting list, so pray that someone ahead of me will go into labor before tomorrow afternoon.

On the way to the doctor, a service van pulled up beside me, and the driver (a man) asked me to roll my window down. Thinking he probably wanted to get in front of me in the turn lane, I obliged. So, he says, "Don't hit your brakes too hard or that baby will just pop out." Was it really worth getting my attention just to say that?

1 comment:

Mel said...

Who says things like that?! I'm so sorry.

Hang in there - she's making you wait! glad to hear all is well and that you moved up on the waiting list.