
At the beach

We are at North Myrtle Beach for a week with JD's side of the family. I just love the beach. The kids love the beach. JD likes the beach. We are having a great time, even though it rained most of the day yesterday. Sunday and today have been beautiful--low 80's with just enough cloud cover so that you don't have to squint all the time. And playing in the water just wipes the kids out, so we've also had great naps! I've taken some pictures, but those will have to wait until I get home to download and post.

All right. Off to shower and then to dinner. We're having ribs tonight. YUM!!!!

1 comment:

Naturally Caffeinated Family said...

Oh that sounds so great! Glad you're having such a good time! That sounds like it would definitely produce some fantastic naps!!