
Not until I'm 5

Madelyn informed me again today that she did not want to go to Heaven until she is at least five. Her reason: One day we were talking about bicycles and she asked when she could get one. I told her she could get one when she turns five. (Not sure about that, though. Are kids ready to ride bikes before that?) Anyway, she has told me more than once now that she does not want to go to Heaven until she turns five because she wants to ride a bike first.

1 comment:

Naturally Caffeinated Family said...

LOL, what a smarty :)! She could probably do it with some training wheels before that right? We're not there of course, but she's a smart little girl, I'm sure she could do it. :) Love the reasoning! Oh and super cute idea with the bathing suit under the "itchy" dress! Go Mommy!