

One night last weekend (while we were visiting my parents), Pierce was awake from about 2:30-3:30 and again from 4:30-5:30. He was happily talking to himself. It was pretty funny except for the fact that we were awake during the same time. The interesting thing is that he never cried at all and we just thought he was enjoying looking around at his new surroundings.

Once we got back home, I noticed that his gums looked a little swollen, so I inspected a little more closely, and low and behold, there was the edge of a tooth poking through the gums. The next day another one was barely noticeable. I was very surprised by this, as he hadn't been whiny or fussy at all--just happily awake in the middle of the night. So, the only thing I can figure is that Pierce was trying to figure out what was going on in his mouth that night/morning at my parents'. I hope that every teething incident goes this smoothly! Anyway, I've tried getting a picture of the teeth, but they really aren't visible in the pictures yet. As soon as they are, I'll post the proof. It's kinda sad that I'll never see his gummy smile anymore.

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