
Chuck E. Cheese

On the Friday after Thanksgiving, we took the kids to Chuck E Cheese in Johnson City, TN. It was a much more pleasant experience than the one here that we've been, too. I guess the key is to go when it isn't crowded. We had been promising Madelyn we would go and this worked out perfectly. The funniest part was when Chuck E. Cheese did live dancing with the kids. Pierce wanted absolutely nothing to do with that. Madelyn was a little shy, but she participated a little bit. Madelyn was totally focused on getting tickets and she wisely chose the "games" that gave you the most tickets with as little effort as possible. Pierce and Isabel were just along for the ride.

Here's Pierce riding in a car with a statue of the star:

Isabel enjoyed the car ride, too:

Madelyn and Pierce riding a roller coaster:

Just a rare picture of me and my baby:

Madelyn getting ready for the horse race:

John David helping Pierce with a Mario Bros. game:

The kids had a really good time, and it wasn't too hectic. I also think my perspective was a bit skewed because Mom and Dad were with us. They were a big help in wrangling the kids.

1 comment:

AO said...

The Chuck E. Cheese that I went to last year in a St. Louis suburb was wonderful! Clean, friendly, and yes, it wasn't at all crowded, so the experience was totally different.