
2 months old

Once again, I'm wondering how another month has passed and how Isabel is two months old. She went to the doctor today and is doing well. She's still slow to gain weight, so the doctor wants me to give her two bottles/day of high concentration formula. I'm a bit frustrated by this because I feel it is unnecessary, but I will do it. She really is starting to show her personality. She smiles a lot and coos and oohhs when you talk to her. She's even rolled over a few times, but it wasn't intentional and she got really mad when she did it. Her neck control is pretty impressive and she is very stimulated by her surroundings. She is sleeping really well and has settled into a pretty predictable schedule, which will change in the next month, I'm sure. We are all enjoying this additon to our family.

"You wanna mess with me?"

"Yeah, I didn't think so."

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