
We were treated and tricked

It's been an interesting few days around here. Madelyn takes gymnastics on Saturdays and really enjoys it, so we knew something was amiss when she was practically refusing to participate last Saturday. She told us her throat hurt, but we just assumed she had some congestion and a cold. She seemed fine, and as you can see from the pictures below, participated in Halloween activities. After trick or treating, though, she had a temperature of 102 and didn't show much interest in her candy. Her temperature on Sunday reached 104 and she complained of an ear ache, sore throat, and she threw up. When she got up from her nap, she walked down the stairs, grabbed a pillow, and parked herself in front of the TV. She did not move from that spot until she threw up and had to take a bath. One of her friends, whom she had spent time with at church the previous Sunday, was diagnosed with H1N1, and we were concerned that she might have it. The doctor said no ear infection, no strep, probably not swine flu. Her temperature returned to normal on Monday and she was back to her tricks on Tuesday. Thankfully, no one else has displayed symptoms.

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Naturally Caffeinated Family said...

So glad she's feeling better and back to her tricks=) very cute pics!

AO said...

Blech!! I am so sorry to hear about her sickness. Great news that it didn't spread within the family. What IS it with the past couple of weeks? - everybody getting sick. Hope that all are perfectly healthy now in the household. :)