

Have you ever heard of a hair tourniquet? Well, we discovered it's power last Monday. As I was changing Isabel's diaper, I noticed that her middle toe on her right foot looked different. As I looked closer, I noticed it was very swollen and slightly purple. It also had a deep indentation around the first knuckle. I looked and looked to see what was causing the indention and all I could see was a small piece of pink fuzz. I called JD and to say I was upset was an understatement. I really thought she might lose her toe. JD encouraged me to find what was causing the problem, but I must say that at that moment I was borderline hysterical and Isabel was borderline hysterical. I could not keep her from kicking me or hold her still while I tried to inspect her toe.

I was finally able to keep her still enough to see two small pieces of blond hair that appeared to be crossed over each other. At that point, I realized that either a hair of mine or Madelyn's was wrapped around the toe. I used nail clippers, tweezers, small scissors, and a few other tools to attempt the hair removal. At some point during this, I looked down and saw a blond hair on my sleeve, near my wrist. I think that was the hair. However, I wasn't sure and JD came home from work (my hero!) to examine the situation.

I called the doctor and spoke with a nurse who claimed this happens quite often and told me just to monitor it over the next few days. Her toe looks much better now, but you can still see the ring around her toe. I didn't take a picture of Isabel's toe, but this is what it looked like except only one toe was involved:

So, if you are a parent of a newborn, check those toes!


CAC said...

I was just telling Sarah about this a few weeks ago and we talked about it this morning! apparently it happens with boys sometimes when hairs get trapped in the diaper. I only know this bc a friend of mine was always picking her long blonde hairs out of her kid's diaper! so glad you figured it out!! miss you guys! hope all is well

Jennifer Clark said...

That's scary!

Joelle - I thought I remembered hearing something like this and now I know why, you told me!

I'm glad she's doing okay!

Anonymous said...

Funny.. My son was screaming last night and I couldn't figure out what was going on until I went to give him a massage and saw that his toe had this problem. It was fixed rather quickly and still looks pretty awful. But I was looking for images of this, and your website came up. I thought it was a strange coincidence that it happened on exactly the same night 2 years later, and our babies were exactly the same age. My son is also 2 months old. Had to write about the coincidences.