
Doctor Visit

I took the kids for their yearly check-ups today. You would have thought they were headed to the park. They were so excited to be there, and I had already warned Madelyn that she would have to get 4 shots. They were hamming it up so much that a nurse, who wasn't working with the kids, popped her head in the exam room and jokingly said, "I'm glad your kids are so shy." They really did well, and Madelyn was very brave when it came time for her shots. She didn't shed a tear or really even flinch. They both got to pick out special toys, and as I was walking with them to get the toys, a nurse piped in with "You should get the "Mom of the Year" award. You make our job so much easier." While I appreciate the compliment, I thought, "If you only knew..." (in regards to me, not the kids).

The kids are growing well and Madelyn actually measured above the 50th percentile in height for the first time in her life. Here are the stats:

33 lbs--30%
40.5 inches --60%

28 lbs--49%
35 inches--71%


I forgot a few funny things that Madelyn said about/during her visit:

1. She informed me that peeing in a cup was REALLY cool.

2. Dr. Martin asked her to draw a circle and a square. Her response: Well, circles are easy. [She drew a circle.] I have trouble with squares, but I know they have 4 sides. How about I draw you a triangle instead? [She then drew a triangle.]

3. I saw a car in the parking lot from Mississippi. I mentioned the car to Madelyn.
Me: That car is from Mississippi.
Madelyn: Why did they name the car?
Me: Huh?
Madelyn: Why did they name the car Miss Sippy?


Anonymous said...

I think you are "Mom of the Year".

Naturally Caffeinated Family said...

I love the Madelynisms!! So glad you guys had a great doctor's visit! That was so nice and cute of the nurse to say=)!