
Our news

We are expecting baby number three! We are very, very excited. I'm a little over 12 weeks pregnant, and the baby is due Sept. 22. I'm slowly coming out of the morning sickness blah, which for me is usually all day blah. Food is starting to seem appetizing again, but I still feel pretty rough in the evenings.

I have had two ultrasounds so far. The first was to date the pregnancy, so we got to see and hear the heartbeat at 9 weeks. Here are a couple of pictures from that ultrasound. The first is the normal shot and the second is what is called a "4D" ultrasound picture.

Yesterday, we went back for our second appointment and took the kids. We had not told them about the baby. When we walked into the exam room, Madelyn told JD that she had been there before "when Pierce was in Mommy's belly." Pretty good memory, huh? She wasn't even two. So, we told her we were going to see if there was another baby in my belly. When the doctor began the ultrasound, Madelyn was a bit distressed, and we figured out that she thought that the doctor had cut my belly open so that we could see the baby. Once we showed her that all was well with me, she got excited.

Of all the ultrasounds I've had, this was my favorite. The difference that occurred in three weeks is unbelievable. The baby really looks like a baby now, and it has tripled in size in just three weeks. Not that I hadn't realized it before, but I'm am more amazed than ever at the miracle of life. When we first saw the baby, it was just hanging out in the womb. It had it's legs crossed at the ankles and seemed so laid back. Madelyn says this is the "relaxed look."

Baby just chillin':

The doctor took a few measurements but needed the baby to move, so he could get a few more. He pressed on my stomach a little bit, and this little guy/girl went to town. Madelyn said, "It's waving!"

Baby wave:

Here are a couple of 4D shots:

Sweet conversation that took place on the way home:

Madelyn: How did the baby get in your belly?
Me: God decided our family needed a new baby, so he gave us one.
Madelyn: Was God holding the baby in his arms in Heaven and decide that you would take good care of the baby?
Me: Madelyn, I couldn't have said it any better. (As I wiped a tear from my eye.)

Madelyn didn't stop talking about the baby all day yesterday. The doctor gave her and Pierce ultrasound pictures and Madelyn has taken hers everywhere. Pierce seems to have a pretty good idea about what's going on and keeps asking to see the "baby movie"(referring to watching the ultrasound on the TV). He is pacified when he sees his ultrasound picture. Every time we pray, Madelyn makes sure we pray for the baby. I'm not sure how she's going to control her excitement for 28 or so more weeks.

Okay, that's it for now. I'll keep you posted on the baby news as it happens.


Naturally Caffeinated Family said...

Yay!! I got tears in my eyes too, M couldn't have said it more perfectly! So sweet! I hope you continue to feel better!

ARK said...

Congratulations! Totally understand the all day blahs:) We are 15 weeks so just a little ahead of you so I can tell you it does get a little better real soon!

Scott Family Fun said...

Yea! What a sweetheart!! Congratulations!

Renee said...


Jennifer Clark said...

Thanks for sharing those awesome pictures! Can't wait to meet the next addition to your family! I guess this means you get a guaranteed spot on the couch at small group for the next 7 months. ;)

Kerri said...

Congratulations! Let me know if you need anything. I hope you continue to feel better...I had all day sickness until the 18th week.

April said...

YAY!!!!!!!!!!! SO EXCITING!!!!!!! and Madelyn's reaction is so precious...Jon and I are so excited for y'all. so far (which isn't far) adjusting to 3 is tons easier than 2 ;) love you!!!!!

Beth said...


Anonymous said...

JD & Cary -
Congratulations! Wishing you guys all the best!

-The Pietrantonis

AO said...

Congrats, you guys! This is so exciting. Let me know if you need someone to take your two eldest to a playground or something so you can sneak in a nap or appointment...or stare at the wall for a couple of hours! lol