
Birthday Celebrations

The birthday celebrations are now over. I'm kinda relieved. My parents came up two weekends ago, bearing many, many gifts. Madelyn received a bicycle, which she just loves. We've had beautiful weather the last few days, so she's been able to enjoy it. Pierce received a tool station, and both of the kids really like that. I'll eventually get around to posting pictures of them enjoying these gifts.

On Saturday, we had a birthday party for our kids and their cousins because their birthdays are all within one month of each other. We had a good time celebrating with the family, and the kids were once again showered with presents.

And today is Pierce's birthday. My baby boy is two years old. He continues to be a very friendly, bubbly, energetic, and opinionated child. It's interesting how close the personalities of Madelyn and Pierce appear to be. It's like they only have a one chromosome difference. We aren't having a separate party for Pierce. I learned with Madelyn that the kids don't really care about birthdays until they're three, so I decided not to put that stress on myself this year. However, we did have a little celebration this morning, and we put a candle in Pierce's waffle and let him open a couple of gifts. We bought him a pair of croc-style shoes in the shape of Lightning McQueen, and I had a hard time convincing him that he would be more comfortable at naptime by taking them off. I finally won.

1 comment:

Renee said...

They are so cute!

What is up with two year olds and their crocs? Since it was warm this weekend, we let Lydia wear her crocs to church yesterday and she has only taken them off to sleep (b/c we made her). Normally we don't wear shoes in the house, but I gave up the battle with her crocs.