
Yard care confusion

Some of you might find this interesting. Not the funniest conversation we've ever had, but I wanted to jot (type) this down, lest I forget it.

Madelyn: Mommy, it's raining.
Me: I know, honey.
Madelyn: The yard is wet. (Said in a somewhat panicked voice. She is very concerned when things are wet. She doesn't like it when her clothes get wet, and she insists on changing at the slightest drop of water.)
Me: It will dry really fast once the sun comes out.
Madelyn: No, we need to mow it.
Me: We can't mow it until it dries.
Madelyn: (Almost hysterical at this point) No, we have to mow it so it can dry.
Me: No, honey. Mowing doesn't dry the grass. It makes the grass shorter.

No wonder she's been talking about mowing the yard when it rains. It also clears up some confusion from a conversation before when she asked why the men were mowing when it hadn't rained. I'm often amazed at how well Madelyn can communicate now. However, I am more amazed when it sometimes takes two or three or more conversations to figure out what's going on in her head. Although, I don't know why this surprises me. Sometimes it takes that long when adults communicate with each other.

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