1. candy
2. beach
3. food
4. mommy and daddy
5. our house
6. God
7. toys
8. Kathryn and Taylor (cousins)
9. Nature-God's creation (her clarification)
1. parks
2. pool
3. Mommy and Daddy
4. our house
5. tamborine (made at church)
6. that God made the world
7. that he was able to stay home (no school on this day)
8. changing seasons
9. that God made the world
1. Special bag (which holds her Halloween candy that we are still working on)
2. socks
3. Mommy
4. God
5. Clay
6. Puggles (AWANA class at church)
7. God
8. God
9. Daddy
I am thankful for so much-our family (both immediate and extended) and our many blessings (health, house, job, church, too many to name really).
Madelyn has been learning about thankfulness in her class at church and also during Bible at school. Here are some of her verses:
1 Thessalonians 5:18-Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.
Psalm 107:1-Oh give thanks to the Lord, for He is good, for His steadfast love endures forever.
2 Corinthians 9:15-Thanks be to God for his inexpressible gift.
It's hard to not be thankful after reflecting on these and listening to her say them.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
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