
Spring Break

We've really been enjoying the beautiful spring weather this week. The weather has been great, and we've been able to spend a lot of time outside during spring break week. Here's a glimpse of our week so far.

Pierce is just happy to be here:

Isabel likes climbing and exploring but gets nervous on playground equipment that has holes in it. She also likes swinging:

Madelyn loves to hang and swing. The kid is strong:

I can still hang for a bit:

We did have a pretty major mishap, though. Isabel, in her exploring way, decided to investigate a mud puddle. The mud was very sticky, and she immediately got stuck; then she lost her balance. To say she was less than impressed was an understatement:Thankfully, we were there with friends who had extra clothes and baby wipes. We used two packages of wipes to get her somewhat clean. I don't think her shoes are recoverable.

1 comment:

Renee said...

I can't believe how big Isabel is! I love the muddy pictures!