
Pierce and Santa Claus

We don't do Santa Claus in our family. There are several reasons for this, but the main one is that we really want the kids to understand that we are celebrating the birth of our Savior not the mound of gifts under the tree. I don't dislike Santa; I don't judge families who do Santa; I grew up with Santa. Having said that, Santa does come up from time to time in our home around Christmas. The kids like to talk about him, and we always talk about the history of Santa and how St. Nicholas helped those children/families in need. However, Pierce has a very vivid imagination and likes to hold on to the idea that Santa might be real.

With that background, imagine all of us at the doctor's office a couple of weeks ago for Isabel's 15 month check up. The doctor was really friendly and was talking with the other kids after he had finished with Isabel.

Doctor: Did you have a good Christmas?
Madelyn: Yes, I got a doll and zhu zhu pets.
Pierce: Yes, I got trains and Buzz Lightyear.
Doctor: Did you get those from Santa?
Madelyn (looking a little sheepish): No.
Pierce: No. When Santa sees our house, he just flies on by.
Doctor (looks at me like I'm a nut): Oh, that's too bad.
Me: Uhhh...that's not what we really tell them. Umm...Pierce has quite an imagnination....Uhhh, we just choose to not do Santa. Uhh...
Doctor: Alright. You guys enjoy those toys.


The Rakows said...

:) your stories always make me laugh :) a fitting tradition, no doubt... i love how Pierce told the doctor that santa just flies on by :D hahahaha :) i think you should start keeping these stories as a journal so that you can give all three of the kids a copy when they grow up... :) they are just too precious :)

Bear said...

Great story. One reason we don't do Santa is I want to make sure Owen knows who butters his bread. No jolly old fat man with white hair is taking credit from me. Oh, yea, that Jesus stuff is a good reason too.

Renee said...

LOL. I have always told my kids the truth about Santa. This year Wesley told me, "We just want to pretend he is real because it is fun." We let the kids get their picture with Santa kind of like how they get their picture made with Mickey Mouse but we make it clear that the presents are from us and that we are celebrating Jesus' birthday.