
Foam Curlers

For several months before Christmas, Madelyn had asked about having curly hair. There is a little girl in her class with blonde, curly hair, and I think it made Madelyn curious. We bought her some foam curlers for Christmas and to say that she was less than thrilled is an understatement. She has a very low tolerance for anything she deems uncomfortable or anything she thinks might be uncomfortable. She took one look at the curlers and decided they wouldn't feel "controuble" and tossed them to the side. This was a low point of Christmas and we had to reassess the "reason for the season." Anyway, she decided that she was ready to try them yesterday.

Curlers in :

Curlers out:

She was very pleased with the results and wants to use them again tomorrow so that she'll have curly hair for school on Tuesday. (Tomorrow is a holiday so the current curls will probably be gone before she goes back to school.)
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Renee said...

She is so beautiful even with the curlers in her hair. I had those same curlers as a child. Then I graduated to getting perms!

Jennifer Clark said...

So cute! I used to hate wearing those to bed and my hair never looked that cute.

The Rakows said...

gosh, Car...she's so stinkin' cute and BEAUTIFUL with those curls :) i can remember sitting and letting my mom wrap my hair with those pink foam curlers when i was in kindergarten or first grade...took them out and my hair was as straight as it was when we put them in :D i'm glad M's hair turned out so beautifully! :) she is just gorgeous :)

CAC said...
