
Space Adventure

Pierce and I have enjoyed some one-on-one time since Madelyn has been in school. (As a side note, this schedule has been killing me, and it's required a lot of adjusting. This is an ongoing process and my frustration levels tend to fluctuate wildly. This topic, however, is another post for another day.) Pierce is very creative and quite imaginative, and I'm learning as I go to help foster his creativity. Yesterday, he said he was going to be a space man and fly into space. Sounded good to me. He already had a plan in mind with exactly how he was going to achieve this. He was actually getting annoyed at me when I didn't fully understand his plan. Here are some pictures of when things finally came together.

This is Pierce preparing to board his space "vesicle." The helmet protects his head and helps him breathe. He must wear his safety glasses to protect his eyes as he approaches the sun--not to mention the fact that space is dark and sunglasses help make it look dark outside.

Here Pierce is preparing for take off. He boarded his vesicle and was ready for launch. We counted down, and he took off (down the driveway). He crashed into a few "ashtroids" along the way, but he eventually made it safely back to his "point of origin."

1 comment:

Renee said...

Reminds me of the Little Bear book when he pretends to go into space and wears his special hate.