
So what does 20+ inches of snow look like?

The snow almost makes it to my knees, is above Pierce's waist, comes just below Madelyn's waist, and would cover all of Isabel from the mouth down.

The kids' slide. Can't see the individual steps.

On our deck. The grill.

Picnic table.

Can you tell that there is a car in this picture? Look for the side mirror.

Our garden flag pole.

We've been blessed so far in that we haven't lost power. The snow in our immediate area was pretty dry. Great for skiing. Horrible for snowman making. However, it also doesn't stick as well to the trees. Thus, fewer downed power lines. Just a few miles away, though, is a different story, and the snow was much heavier. It's nearly 5:00 pm and I no longer see flakes falling. We're starting to plan our dig out method. Hopefully, we'll see other humans by Tuesday.

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