
Funny/irksome/helpful things I heard today

These are all things I heard within a 6 hour period today:

"When I was pregnant, I never stuck out really far in the front like that. I was always more out to the side." (I think this was supposed to be a compliment.)

"How much longer do you plan on being with us?" Ummmmm...do you know something I don't?

"Oh, honey, how much longer do you have?"

From the guy working in the produce section at the grocery store: "You let me know if you go into labor. I'd hate for you to deliver here in the store."

Nice guy checking out in front of me: "Here. Let me help you with those. I can appreciate your need for assistance." Said as he bent over to get the soda cases from the lower shelf of the shopping cart.

Bagger as he was finishing up and staring at my belly: "Do you need any help outside today, ma'am?" Me: "No, thank you. Have a nice day." Bagger, looking long and hard at my belly: "Really? Are you sure about that?" Me: "I'm fine. Thanks for your concern."

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Haha, my favorite is the produce guy. Is this worse than your last two pregnancies?