
Dr. Appointment

Weekly doctor appointments started today. Nothing much to report. Dr. said blood pressure looks good, measurement looks good, weight looks good (I'll take her word on that one). We discussed setting up an induction at 39 weeks, so we'll check the progress on that front next week. They won't set it up before I'm at least 39 weeks, so unless I go into labor on my own, no baby until at least Sept. 15. That's fine. In some ways, it seems so soon, but in some ways, it seems so far away. One minor concern, though, is that the dr. had trouble finding the heartbeat initially--I wasn't worried about that because she was moving around like crazy. However, the dr. thinks that, although the baby is head down, she might be face up. This could make delivery a bit more difficult, so we're going to pray that she gets in the best position for delivery. Okay, that's it from here.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Yeah...they always had trouble finding Jack's heartbeat at the end, and he was face up. They had me lay on my left side for a bit before I started pushing, so maybe if you slept on your left side that would help? It really wasn't that bad during the labor. The nurse just commented that I was reeeeeealy glad I had that epidural :)