
Wrapping up

We are finished with the old house now. It feels good to have that taken care of and now we can focus on getting the new house set up. Yesterday, we had to go back to the house to have the carpets professionally cleaned. It took about three hours, and since the house was empty (except for a couple of packing boxes and cleaning supplies), there wasn't much for the kids to play with. In a moment of mommy genius, I decided to drag the boxes out to the yard and let the kids play with them. They decided to use them as trampolines and were occupied with them for nearly an hour. Then, some of our neighbors returned home and they had other kids to play with.

For some reason, I've been a little emotional about this move--it's only 10 miles, people. I think it has to do with the fact that we've had a few close friends move away, we're leaving a neighborhood with lots of kids, and I have to remind myself that I am pregnant and have raging hormones. Now, coupled with those hormones, I've developed "fat feet." Most people probably wouldn't notice, but I do and my feet are sore and swollen. For some reason, I feel so unattractive with swollen feet.

Okay, how's that for a rambling post?
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1 comment:

April said...

oh this post reminds me of my friend Sarah's recent post (on my blog) about her restless leg syndrome...she's due about when you are! i understand the emotionalness about moving...for me...i don't ever want to leave the home we're in b/c of the memories and it being our first house and i just want for me kids to grow up in the same place adn this be where they come home and bring their families, but jon on the other hand has got the dc itch....