

Madelyn is now in AWANA (Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed). I am now an AWANA leader. We've been at this for a few weeks. AWANA is a program that teaches children Biblical principles through stories, crafts, music, and most importantly, scripture memory. Madelyn has now memorized 9 Bible verses and actually remembers most of them from week to week. The kids wear vests (kinda like boy scouts) and receive patches as they work through their books. Madelyn received her first patch and I did my first sewing in quite some time. I realize that sewing on a patch is not a big deal for most, but it is a huge deal for me because I have a hard time sewing buttons back on.

I mentioned that I was an AWANA leader. The first week of AWANA, Madelyn was on my class roster. When we walked into the room, she asked where her teacher was. I informed her that I was her teacher, and her response was, "But, I want my real teacher." The rest of the evening went down hill from there. She was either super clingy or she refused to do everything I suggested. So, we switched her to a new room and things have gone smoothly ever since. The only downside to AWANA is that I feel like our Sundays are now completely occupied. We're at church for about 3 hours on Sunday mornings and then back for another 2 hours in the evenings. However, it gives Pierce and JD some bonding time those afternoons and I think Madelyn is really benefiting from the program. I am, too. I, of course, am memorizing scripture right along with Madelyn. Also, I'm having fun putting these Bible verses into silly sounding songs. It helps us both remember them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

God bless you and the other AWANA leaders! The idea of a room full of kids is overwhelming to me (and I've done AWANA before). Isaac started Cubbies this year and is loving it! I'm so thankful for a leader who just loves him, because he can be a handful, especially when he's as excited as he normally is when we get to AWANA.