
18 months old

Pierce is now 18-months old, and we went to the doctor today. It was a good visit, aside from the three shots he received. Here are his stats:

Weight: 24 lbs (25%)
Height: 33.75 inches (85%)

He continues to be such a sweet little boy. He loves giving hugs and kisses and will flirt with almost any lady he sees. He has so many words now and understands everything. He's really picked up on the word "no", although he doesn't use it defiantly yet. He can say "thank you" and he does it at the appropriate times. It is so cute!

He can have a temper, though, and his bottom lip can stick out a mile. When he's really angry, he grabs something and throws it hard to the ground. It will be interesting to see how this trait develops.

In other news, Madelyn's first day of pre-school is Friday, and she is so excited. Truth be known, so am I!

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