
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?

Are you familiar with this book?

It is Pierce's favorite. It's actually Madelyn's book, but when he walks into her room, he starts saying, "Buh, buh", which I figured out means "brown bear." The great thing about the book is that it is so repetitive.

"Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see? I see a a red bird looking at me."
(turn page)
"Red bird, red bird, what do you see? I see a yellow duck looking at me."
(turn page)
"Yellow duck, yellow duck, what do you see? I see a blue horse looking at me."
(And so on, and so on...)

Today, I walked into Madelyn's room. She and Pierce were sitting on her bed, and she was "reading" the book to him. I didn't have my camera with me, but it was a cute, sweet moment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is the sweetest story I've heard lately - With this and the watermellon gummies...sounds like she is turning into a great big sister.