
Nigh, nigh

Pierce and I were in my bedroom a few minutes ago. He was helping me fold the laundry :-) Out of nowhere, he looks at me, says "nigh, nigh" and toddles to the door. The door was closed and he tried to open it; he fell down, got mad, and looked at me as if to say, "Come on!" So, I opened the door and stood him back up, (He still isn't willing to stand himself back up, even though I'm convinced he can and have seen him do it more than once.) and he toddled the rest of the way into his room and stood by his crib.

Is this weird behavior for a 13 month old?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would say that you are one lucky mommy...Connor has only gone to sleep by himself 1 or 2 times....I think I'll do things differently next time! (hehe) I really like keeping up w/ you guys on here!