
Doing the tourist thing

JD's brother and sister-in-law lived in New York City for a short time while we were in college. JD and I went to visit them one weekend and saw some of the sights...Statue of Liberty, play on Broadway, Empire State Building. I remember thinking it was strange that Sarah was doing these things for the first time as well. Why, if you lived in a place with all of this to offer, would you not take advantage of it?

Well, we have lived in the DC area for 2.5 years, and I've been to the city to sightsee all of two times. One of those times was this past weekend. My mom and aunt came up while JD was on his "Fish Camp" trip with his cousins. The Cherry Blossom Festival is going on right now, so we rode the Metro into the city and visited the World War II Memorial and walked around the Tidal Basin. I must say that the cherry trees were beautiful. Madelyn loved "riding on the train like Daddy", and I continue to be amazed at what a sport Pierce is. He hardly uttered a complaint the entire morning, even though he missed his morning nap.
Here are some pictures from the morning in the city:

Madelyn and me in front of the Washington Monument

Pierce and Me at the WWII Memorial

Madelyn at the Tidal Basin

Pierce with my mom--He was fascinated with the cherry blossoms.

Aunt Sandra, my mom, and the kids

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