
13 months old

Look, Mom, no hands!

Pierce is 13 months old today, and I'm now very close to having a toddler on my hands. He's taking steps all the time now. If he's already in a standing position, his first instinct is to walk. Sometimes he'll take two steps before falling, sometimes he'll get half way across the room. The only thing holding him back now is that he can't get from a sitting position to a standing position by himself (he has to pull up on something), so if he falls before reaching his target, he just crawls the rest of the way. Although, he's actually stood up on his own twice. Once was in the bathtub of all places, and he immediately fell down. I'm pretty sure it took us both by surprise. I think it was unintentional, so he didn't really clue in on what he had done. Below is a video of him doing his thing.

His vocabulary is growing. He now says this, that, banana (nana), mama, dada, bye-bye, juice, ball, more, and I'm pretty sure he's said "yes" a few times. He says mmmoo when you ask what a cow says and ba when you ask about a sheep, although he does occasionally get them mixed up. He will blow kisses, cover his mouth when he coughs, and blow his nose. He continues to be a very friendly and relaxed baby. Madelyn has always been friendly, but I would never use the word relaxed to describe her. I've had to get used to having a cuddly baby, and he will sit in my lap and read books. I feel like Madelyn just started to want to do that. Anyway, these are just a few of my observations about my wonderful little boy. Sorry for the doting.

1 comment:

Naturally Caffeinated Family said...

Yeah Pierce! I think it was intentional :)