
11 months

Pierce is now 11 months old and as sweet as he can be. The church nursery workers love him because "he's always happy and never cries." While I can assure you that he does cry, Pierce really is a very happy baby and usually only cries when he's tired, Madelyn has hurt him (but it was an axsick), or he's hungry. I've resorted to taking non-action pictures of him in his booster seat since that's the only way to strap him down. He makes car/airplane noises when he plays with those toys. He likes to "walk" holding our hands or using his push toy. He "talks" on the phone and loves to share his food. Sometimes after pulling himself up, he will let go of whatever he's holding on to and stand, keeping his balance for a couple of seconds. I'll post a video of this later and hopefully you can hear it, but he will say "Baa, baa" when you sing "Old McDonald had a sheep" to him. Sometimes I think he says "Ma ma" and "Da da" like he understands the meaning, but sometimes I'm not so sure. He will sign "please." Oh, and he has 8 teeth.

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