
The Honeymoon Is Over

I knew it would happen. I just wasn't sure when, but Madelyn's complete fascination with Pierce is officially over. I think he has become very real to her and she's starting to treat him like she treats her friends. You know how it goes. Most of the time kids love their friends, but every now and then, the friend grabs a treasured toy or interferes with an agenda and BAM-yelling, grabbing, the occasional push or hit occurs.

Well, Pierce has just found his voice and is babbling. It started last weekend when I would hear the occasional "ma". Just before his nap today, I heard "ba, la, ba, ma, la..." In addition, he can scoot pretty well, now. So, he is no longer this little blob that just lays around. Madelyn has not appreciated his attempts at toy snatching and she is becoming quite jealous when Pierce gets more attention than she does. I've heard lots of "Look at me, Mommy. "lately. I've also witnessed a lot more of Madelyn grabbing things from Pierce and she's also really into "helping" him learn to crawl. This actually looks like she's cramming his body into the ground. I think you get the idea.

Yesterday, we were at the mall and the kids were riding in the double stroller. Madelyn insists on riding in the front. As we were leaving, very much past naptime, Pierce started grabbing Madelyn's hair. I would pull them apart and he would immediately pull it again. Madelyn was screaming, "Stop it, Pierson." very loudly and was close to hysteria. I felt bad for Madelyn, but she refused to move and part of me was thinking, "Atta boy, Pierce." as he was getting a bit of revenge while his sister was strapped down.

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