
Julia's Dedication

Yesterday, we dedicated Julia to the Lord at our church.  Twenty-two children were dedicated, as our church focused on Sanctity of Human Life Sunday.  This day was started in 1983 as a marker of sorts to the 10th anniversary of Roe v. Wade.  It is a day to focus on the importance of all life regardless of age, gender, race, health, or economic status.  As I think about the 50 million babies who have been aborted since that decision, my mind races to not think about it.  As I think about the senseless massacre in CT, I try to chase the thoughts out of my mind; when I think about the more than 60 school aged children who were killed in Chicago last year, I feel relieved that my children don't live there and try not to think of the grieving parents who have to face that reality every day.  How sad our Lord must be as He witnesses the callous views of his "very good" creation!  How very patient our Lord must be to allow us to continue on His Earth!

As part of the dedication service, we, as parents, promised to raise our children in the knowledge of the Lord, and the congregation promised to assist us as we strive to raise God fearing and Jesus loving children.  Here are some pictures taken yesterday:

1 comment:

Renee said...

Love the family picture!