
Julia at 6 months

Julia is 6 months old, and I'm exhausted. She's such a sweet girl but sporadic in her sleeping habits, and we're going through a particularly rough patch right now.  She's going to bed easily enough, but she is waking 2-3 times per night. This is quite the change from when she was sleeping all night.  I'm trying not to get discouraged, but it's also hard to keep my eyes open and focus on daily tasks.

Otherwise, things are going well.  When she's awake (and not supposed to be sleeping), she's an easy baby.  Chatty, smiley, and social.  She enjoys her siblings.  She's getting so strong and can do decent push ups.  She loves her Exersaucer and jump up.  She's eating three solid meals a day and still takes 3 naps most days.  She wakes around 8:00 am, nurses and eats breakfast, naps 9:30-11:30, nurses and eats lunch, naps 1:15-3:00, nurses, naps 4:30-5:30, eats dinner, nurses around 7:00 and goes to bed.  Then, it's anyone's guess as to what will happen.  We love her, though, and are so glad she's in our family.

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