
Madelyn on women's work

Madelyn: Mom, why do women do all the work?

Me: What do you mean?

Madelyn: Well, like with people, women have the babies. And with animals, the girls have the babies. Some animals don't have live babies, but the girls lay the eggs and take care of the eggs until they hatch. Then, it's usually the mommies who feed the babies and take care of the babies until they can do it themselves.

Me: Well, God made women to be the nurturers in most cases, but that doesn't mean men don't work. Dad works very hard.

Madelyn: Well, I do know that it's the boy seahorses who take care of the babies because they have a pouch for the eggs. Do they make the eggs?

Me: No, the girls make the eggs and give them to the boys to take care of.

Madelyn: See, I still think girls do all the work.


Mel said...

A perfect girl for Sweet Briar College!!!

Mel said...

A perfect candidate for Sweet Briar College!!!