
Kidless for a few days

Today we're going to visit my in-laws and we're leaving the kids there until next Friday. What am I going to do with myself? My goal is to start packing for our move. Hopefully, I'll stay motivated for this task. It's hard to think about it when it's still two months away, but I feel that if I do a bit at a time, it won't be quite as overwhelming. Maybe??? Madelyn is so excited about her visit with Nana and Granddaddy and I think Pierce will do great, especially since Madelyn will be there with him. It's also good timing because JD thinks he will incredibly busy next week preparing for trial, so I might have the house all to myself for a few days. Will I enjoy the silence or will I be bored out of my mind?


AO said...

Oooohhhh how relaxing! Read the paper, do a crossword or Sudoku, stare into space, take a looooong bath, nap...whatever. :)

Renee said...

I hope you enjoy it!