
Pierce is a talker,

and so is Madelyn, which means it's never quiet around here. It took Madelyn a while before she really started talking. It was probably right after Pierce was born that I noticed her stringing words together. She probably figured she needed to speak up if she wanted to get any attention with the new baby around. Pierce caught on much faster. He's been repeating words for the longest time. He's been my little parrot. He's also speaking in sentences pretty well too. Ones we frequently hear:

Mommy/Daddy, etc., more [x] please.
Mommy/Daddy/Madelyn, where are you?
Read this, please.
No, thank you, Mommy/Daddy/Madelyn.
I have it.
No, it's mine (yep, he got that word pretty fast.)
Where are scissors? (He loves cutting paper.)
I'm Pierce!

Unfortunately, though, he's at that stage where we mostly hear "NO!"

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