

Madelyn sometimes asks us to write a note in her lunchbox so that her teacher can read it to her during lunch at school. Something along the lines of "Have a great day at school. I love you!" suffices. Madelyn asked JD to do it today. So, he got his paper and wrote "Dear Madelyn,"...

Madelyn: No, put Madelyn.
JD: I did. It says "Dear Madelyn"
Madelyn: But you need to write Madelyn.
JD: Do you want me to write "Madelyn Madelyn"?
Madelyn: No. Draw Madelyn next to the deer.
JD: Do you want me to draw a deer?
Madelyn: Yes, you said "Deer Madelyn."

Finally, it clicked. She thought JD had started her note with "Deer Madelyn".

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