
New Found Freedom

I've always known that JD and I were blessed to have a daughter who never ventured out of her room until we came to get her. Sometimes she would be in her room for a good 30-45 minutes after waking, but she would play contentedly until we walked in. Well, that period in our lives appears to be over. The good news: Madelyn is staying dry through the night about 70% of the time. The bad news: She wakes up really needing to pee--usually around 6:30--and feels the need to come and tell us about it.

She has been pretty good with her willingness to go back to bed and "rest" until one of us comes back to get her. I'm wondering how long this will last, as I'm getting questions like, "Are you going back to bed, too?" or "For how much longer, Mommy?" I've decided that 7:00 AM is the absolute earliest that I'm willing to start the day with my children, so now I've got to figure out how to re-instill that to my daughter. When can kids start telling time?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey there!

I was just peeking in on your blog (btw, the kids are adorable)when I saw your latest post. We dealt with this issue as well and also decided that 7 am was the earliest we wanted the kids out of their room. I don't if Madelyn can recognize her numbers yet, but I bet you can at least teach her what a digital 7 looks like. We got Ethan (our oldest) a little digital clock and told him that he couldn't come out of his room until the first number was a seven. It seemed to work pretty effectively (we've had a few relapses, though :) ). Hope you find a solution that works for you!

Sarah (Free)