
4 months old!

It's hard to believe Pierce is 4 months old today. I feel like all I did was blink to get to this point. Time seems to be moving much faster with baby number 2, and I also feel like he is mastering things faster than Madelyn did. Of course, that could be because I'm not watching the "milestone charts" all the time...who has time for that with two kids????
He started sleeping through the night earlier and he seems to have found his toes much sooner than Madelyn did. They are now his favorite toys--toes make great toys since they're always there with you. He can also roll over from his back to his tummy. He can't go the other way, though, and we'll all be happy when he can do that. He doesn't seem to like laying on his belly and it can make naptimes very frustrating when he wakes up mad that he's flipped himself over.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Carey, I love the blog. It makes me feel that I'm not missing out on what's happening.

Madelyn and Pierce are beautiful and brilliant - perfect grandchildren.

Give them a kiss for me.