
Julia is one!

 Julia turned one last Thursday.  I can't believe our baby is one!  It's amazing how many changes we've observed with her since we got back from vacation.  Her vocabulary has really grown.  We've counted nine words that she knows if you include knowing that a sheep says "ba".  She knows ball (ba), baby (ba ba), juice (zeus), more (mo), shoe (sue), toe (ta and she points to her toes), cheese (sees), and uh oh (uh uh).  She isn't walking yet; she's not really close yet, but she will stand unassisted for many seconds at a time.  She also takes steps every day. If we prop her up and get her balanced, she'll sometimes take one or two steps.  I still think we're at least one month, but more likely a couple of months, before she takes off with walking.  The crawling phase is really cute, so I'm trying to enjoy it while it's here, but there are times, like yesterday at the playground, where it would have been MUCH easier if she were walking.  I actually think we'll avoid playgrounds until she is walking because she just gets so frustrated. 

She cut her 7th (and possibly 8th but she won't let look long enough) tooth.  She's sleeping better and is only taking one bottle (when she first wakes up).  I'm trying to cut that one, too, but she'll only drink milk from a bottle (not a sippy cup).  At her 12 month check up, she weighed 20 lbs, 1 oz and was 30.25 inches long (36% and 85%). 

We had a birthday gathering for her on Sunday, and I'll post pictures of that in a different post, but here are pictures from her actual birthday.  Notice that I could only get good face photos when she was strapped down.


Jennifer Clark said...

Happy Birthday, Julia!

Joelle said...

so cute! i can't believe she's one!