
Julia at 9 Months

 Julia turned 9 months old on Thursday.  It's getting really hard to get good pictures of her because she's on the move.  She's been crawling for about 3 weeks and decided it would be fun to try going down our stairs.  We all decided afterwards that that was a really bad idea, and we won't be letting her do that again.  Her sleeping has gotten a bit better but the last few nights have been rougher.  She has a cold and she just cut her third tooth.  Hopefully, things will settle back down now that the tooth has finally broken through the gums.  She continues to be a smiley baby and has gotten a bit chatty.  She'll say ba, dee, ga, gee.  I've heard ma a time or two and da da a couple of times.  She is laughing quite a bit, too, and that's really cute.  I've stopped nursing; it was just getting too hard.  She was easily distracted, so I couldn't do it around the other kids.  I had to take her upstairs and turn on her noise maker and turn off the lights.  Then, the whole time I had to worry that the kids were okay downstairs.  On top of all that, I'm pretty sure my supply was down, and I was having to supplement every feeding.

I took her to the doctor yesterday, and she weights 17.5 lbs (26%).  She's 28.5 inches tall (82%), and I can't remember her head circumference, but she's in the 90th percentile.

Here are a few pictures that I was able to get.  There were a few good ones:



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