
2 Months Old

Julia is two months old.  We went to the doctor yesterday, and she is doing great.  She weighs 11 lbs., 4 oz. (67%) and is 24 inches long (96%).  She also received two shots and an oral vaccine, and she seemed to handle those well.  I got a flu shot while I was there and my arms still hurts a bit.  Makes me a bit more sympathetic.  I'm sure her little legs are sore.  She continues to be a pretty go with the flow baby except when she misses her naps on Sundays.  Mondays can be pretty rough because she gets so off track on Sundays. 

She can still only stay awake for about an hour before she's ready to go to bed again.  She sleeps great at night now giving me a 7-8 hour stretch.  We started giving her formula in a bottle at night (around 10:00 pm).  I know people say that it doesn't matter, that hunger doesn't wake a baby.  While that's probably true, I think Julia's clock was set at around 3:00 am, and nothing was changing that.  It didn't matter when I fed her before I went to bed.  I also think that she didn't want to eat necessarily, but when she did wake up, she felt hungry and had trouble settling back down.  The first night I put formula in her bottle things changed.  She did wake up at 3:00, but she settled herself back down.  I haven't fed her in the middle of the night since then. She's starting to make different noises now--oohs and aahs, a bit of cooing, and she's a pretty smiley baby.  Two months old and cute as a button.  Love you, baby girl!


The Rakows said...

she's adorable, Carrie :) congrats, again, super mom :)

Ashley Mullins said...

She is so precious!