
18 Months

My jaw dropped when I looked at the calendar yesterday and realized that Isabel was 18 months old. Her personality is really coming out, and she is intense. There is never any doubt about how she feels. She's very affectionate but also very temperamental. She runs everywhere and is rarely still. She can climb anything and will. I had to rearrange the kitchen when I saw her on the kitchen counter. She loves to be held right after she wakes up; don't try to put her on the ground or in her booster seat. Her vocabulary is really improving and she tries to imitate everything. Some of her "sentences" are "Help me.", "Help me up.", "Up, please.", "Help, please.", "More, please." She also says "thank you", and it's really cute, but you'd never guess that's what she's saying. She's still thin but her 12 month pants are becoming too short, so she's definitely growing. We have another week before we go for her check-up.

I thought I should take some pictures with her strapped down in her booster seat. Otherwise, all the pictures would be a blur.

After a pizza and chocolate dinner:

She's all done:

Are you talking to me?

All clean:
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