
You Shall Be My Witnesses...

at preschool.

I'll preface the story by explaining that, while Pierce's preschool is in a church, they are not heavy on Bible teaching. I don't think they really talk about God at all except when they pray before snack time. I think his teacher was pleasantly surprised by this conversation.

Pierce's preschool teacher relayed this story to me today. She and Pierce were discussing the Wizard of Oz.

Pierce: Witches aren't real.
Mrs. G: No. It's just a fun story.
Pierce: None of the story is real.
Mrs. G.: You're right. It's just a pretend story.
Pierce: Dorothy was having a dream. But I know a real story.
Mrs. G: Oh really. What's it about?
Pierce: God and Jesus. The Bible is a real story.
Mrs. G: Absolutely, Pierce. I love Bible stories because they are real.

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