
Back from "The Big D"

We got back last night from a great trip to visit friends in Dallas. I'll post more details later but the highlight, other than seeing friends we hadn't seen in a long time, was going to Fossil Rim. This was a "drive-thru" safari where animals come up to your car, stick their heads in your car, eat food from your window ledge, and giraffes can even eat from your hand (They can't bite due to their teeth configuration.). At one point, zebras were surrounding us. I was looking over at the driver side where John David was feeding a zebra. I was so engrossed in that zebra's behavior that I didn't realize there was another zebra on the other side about two inches from my head. When I turned around, I almost kissed it and screamed so loud that it bounded away from the car. Anyway, if you are ever close to Glen Rose, TX, make sure you check out Fossil Rim. More details and pictures to come.

1 comment:

Renee said...

We went there years ago before we had kids. It was great. Have you heard about the one near Natural Bridge? I read a good review on line and would like to visit there sometime.