

Madelyn: Hey, Mom, what's for dinner?
Me: Chicken
Madelyn: Why is it called chicken?
Me: Because it's chicken.
Madelyn: You mean like a chicken, chicken?
Me: Umm....yes.
Madelyn: You mean I'm eating a chicken?
Me: Well, a part of it, yes.
Madelyn: What about pork?
Me: Well, that's from a pig.
Madelyn: You mean a pig, pig?
Me: Yes, a real pig.
Madelyn: You mean I'm really eating different animals?
Me: Yes, hon.
Madelyn: How did I not know that?

Pierce (in the crowded pool bathroom): Let's play a rhyming game.
Me: Okay, you start.
Pierce: Yucky
Me: Lucky
Pierce: Trucky
Me: Silly. I don't think that's a word.
Pierce (laughing and yelling): Is *ucky a word? * = F
Me: Don't think so, bud.
Pierce: What about ducky?
Me: Sure
Pierce: *ucky ducky! That rhymes!
Me: Hey bud, let's not say that again, okay?


AO said...

Those are some good ones that you'll enjoy dusting off in the years to come. :)

Joelle said...

HAHAA love it. too cute.